Yilliam Castro

Yilliam Castro

Yilliam Castro teaches English at Baxter. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Languages ​​with an emphasis on English. She graduated from the National Autonomous University of Honduras 11 years ago and has been teaching from preschool to the university. Besides Baxter, Yillian teaches second grade at a local bilingual school.

Born in Honduras, she is a member of the Church of Christ in the Kennedy neighborhood of Tegucigalpa. She was baptized in 2004. since then I have the blessing of serving my Lord Jehovah.

“Since 2018 I am thankful to God for the the privilege of being part of the faculty at Baxter Institute. I teach English to first and second year students. The biblical text that pleases me the most is: “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him; I get help from him. My heart leaps for joy, and with songs I will give thanks.” Psalms 28:7. My favorite mottos is: “Success comes to all those who are busy looking for it.” Henry Thoreau.